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Por Carina Brito, de Helsinque*
10/12/2023 07h01 Atualizado 10/11/2023 05h00 Atualizado, 10 /12?? /2024
Com 5,5 milh�es de habitantes, a Finl�ndia teve de desenvolver uma s�rie de a��es para atrair talentos estrangeiros para aquecer??www netbet casinoeconomia. Uma delas veio em 2023, com a cria��o da Business Finland, ag�ncia governamental com foco em investimentos, financiamento?? de inova��o
Jap�o, China, M�xico, �ndia e em quase todas as na��es da Europa. Desde 2023, tem uma sede na cidade?? de S�o Paulo.
PEGN esteve na Finl�ndia no in�cio do m�s e conversou com representantes da ag�ncia � e com brasileiros?? que empreenderam por l� � para entender como o pa�s busca se aproximar desse p�blico e quais s�o as oportunidades?? e os desafios encontrados por ele.�
Os principais argumentos para atrair empreendedores estrangeiros � o fato do pa�s ser amplamente digitalizado,
funcionar?? como uma ponte para outros pa�ses europeus. �N�o somos um mercado grande como o Brasil, por exemplo, mas � um?? bom lugar para testar produtos e servi�os�, afirma Hanna Riski, senior advisor na Business Finland, respons�vel pela atra��o de startups?? ao pa�s. "Ao mesmo tempo, � uma porta para alcan�ar a Uni�o Europeia. A Finl�ndia usa euro, ent�o a moeda?? � a mesma e facilita todo o processo de transa��es financeiras."
>> Siga o
oferece majoritariamente dois tipos de apoio para pessoas?? que desejam ter empreendimentos no pa�s. O primeiro � o investimento financeiro, que pode variar dependendo do produto, setor e?? tamanho do neg�cio. Anualmente, a Business Finland investe mais de 100 milh�es de euros (cerca de R$ 530 milh�es) em?? projetos de inova��o.
Anualmente.AnAnualiza majoritariamente 2 tipos diferentes de apoios para empresas finland�s, incluindo aceleradoras e incubadoras.De acordo com um relat�rio?? divulgado
Ci�ncia, Tecnologia e Inova��o (SECTEC) da Embaixada do Brasil em Helsinque, a Finl�ndia tem mais de 3.821 startups, que possuem?? valor de mercado combinado de 48,2 bilh�es de euros. Destas, 2.138 empresas est�o na capital Helsque e, na Finl�ndia, com?? um valor agregado de 40 bilh�es.
O estudo tamb�m elencou os setores mais promissores do pa�s, de acordo com a potencial?? de sinergia com o Brasil. S�o eles:
Como ter um neg�cio na Finl�ndia?
A Business Finland oferece o programa Finnish Startup Permit,?? destinado a empreendedores que j� possuem startups e desejam mudar a sede para a Finl�ndia. "Tendo uma empresa com sede?? finlandesa, � poss�vel aplicar para outras oportunidades por aqui, como, por exemplo, um fundo de financiamento da Uni�o Europeia", afirma?? Riski."Como se tornar um empreendedor na finl�ndia? "cleanech, www.clecle
de startups da Business Finland em crit�rios como inova��o, ESG, tamanho da?? empresa, concorr�ncia com empresas finlandesas etc", diz Alessandra Leone, talent manager da business Finlands do Brasil. Segundo ela, a avalia��o?? leva at� duas semanas.
Caso a pessoa n�o tenha um neg�cio no Brasil, o caminho � outro. "A pessoa deve conseguir?? um emprego ou uma vaga em uma institui��o de ensino para poder se mudar para a Finl�ndia. Este � o?? primeiro passo para
empreender no local", afirma. A organiza��o possui o programa Talent Boost, que conecta talentos estrangeiros a empresas finlandesas.
Em?? todos os casos, os brasileiros precisam do "Resident Permit", que � o visto que permite que a pessoa tenha uma?? resid�ncia na Finl�ndia. "O visto tamb�m � estendido para a fam�lia do empreendedor, como c�njuges e filhos", diz. Caso seja?? uma startup j� existente, a equipe tamb�m recebe permiss�o para viver na finl�ndia.Vida na
reconhecem que a adapta��o no pa�s pode?? ser dif�cil. Um dos fatores � o inverno rigoroso, com temperaturas negativas e pancadas de neve. A dura��o dos dias?? tamb�m causa estranhamento. Durante o ver�o, por exemplo, o sol nasce depois das oito horas e se p�e por volta?? das 16. J� no ver�o e no inverno, as chamadas
Uma das apostas do pa�s para aumentar os atrativos � investir?? na assist�ncia �s fam�lias. Hoje, quatro cidades finlandesas � Helsinque,
�Internacional Houses�, que oferecem suporte para imigrantes em quest�es que v�o?? da abertura de conta banc�ria ao aprendizado do idioma. Segundo Annamari Soikkeli, senior advisor na Business Finland, tamb�m h� iniciativas?? para ajudar os c�njuges de imigrantes a encontrar um emprego e para encontrar escolas para os filhos.
A qualidade de vida?? no pa�s � outro destaque � j� que a Finl�ndia � considerada o pa�s mais feliz do mundo, de acordo?? com o Relat�rio Mundial
motivos para o resultado positivo, na opini�o de Soikkeli, est� no conceito deSoikkteli. "Somos bastante eficazes quando?? trabalhamos. S�o oito horas, e depois disso realmente reservamos tempo livre e para a nossa fam�lia. � realmente poss�vel ter?? uma carreira e tamb�m ter um vida familiar ou pessoal", afirma a executiva, que tamb�m menciona a seguran�a local: "Voc�?? pode deixar as crian�as irem sozinhas para as escola. Sabemos que n�o � o caso em todos os pa�ses
finland�s estima?? que h� cerca de 2,4 mil brasileiros residindo no pa�s. Por�m, a Embaixada Brasileira na Finl�ndia afirma que o n�mero?? pode ser maior. �Alguns brasileiros entram portando passaportes europeus, como aqueles que t�m cidadania italiana ou portuguesa, por exemplo�, diz,?? em nota.
Ana Esther Camargo, de 30 anos, � uma das brasileiras que residem no Brasil. A designer de games mora?? em Helsinque, capital finlandesa, e � fundadora
livros cl�ssicos da literatura ao redor do mundo. Camargo saiu da cidade de S�o?? Paulo em setembro de 2023 para se mudar com o marido, que tem a mesma profiss�o. Veio em busca de?? emprego, mas acabou se matriculando em um mestrado em educa��o.
"Sou game designer h� dez anos, especializada em conte�do infantil. Comecei?? a mostrar os programas que eu fazia para pessoas da universidade e incubadoras do governo. Eu fazia os produtos por?? hobby, e viram muito potencial", afirma.
integrar o ecossistema da Business Finland e a receber workshops para transformar seu produto em?? uma empresa.
"Os workshops s�o baseados em ensinar o b�sico para quem quer come�ar a ser um empreendedor, com t�cnicas que?? incluem desenvolver um plano de neg�cios, fazer um pitch, entender a ind�stria que voc� deseja se inserir", afirma a empreendedora,?? que participou do programa at� maio. O time da Retale Interactive tem quatro pessoas, das quais duas moram no Brasil.O?? time de
startup tem planos de ser global, segundo a empreendedora. "O nosso maior p�blico consumidor s�o os Estados Unidos, mas?? nossos concorrentes n�o prestam aten��o em dois mercados que est�o em crescimento: Am�rica Latina e �sia-Pac�fico", diz Camargo. A empresa?? j� tem uma vers�o demo dispon�vel em cinco pa�ses: EUA, Canad�, �ndia, Brasil e Finl�ndia. O plano � se lan�ar?? oficialmente no mercado em 2024. Por enquanto, a startup n�o tem plano de ter um escrit�rio em territ�rio brasileiro.
clima foi?? a parte mais dif�cil da adapta��o. "Tomo uma dosagem de vitamina D um pouco maior que a maioria dos finlandeses?? por ter pele mais escura. Tamb�m tive de adaptar todo o guarda-roupa, j� que cada esta��o � bem diferente uma?? da outra em temperatura", afirma. 'clIMA foi o primeiro ano, n�o fiz muita atividade f�sica e n�o sa� durante o?? inverno. Foi um grande erro porque quase entrei em depress�o. Aprendi que � preciso praticar atividade F�sica regularmente mesmo
mente saud�vel."
J�?? Pedro Camargo � que, apesar de compartilhar origem e sobrenome, n�o � parente de Ana Esther � saiu de S�o?? Paulo h� cinco anos para se tornar professor de qu�mica na Universidade de Helsinque. "Eu era professor na cidade de?? Ssinke, mas tinha interesse em novos desafios para as minhas carreiras. Queria ter a experi�ncia de viver na Europa e?? crescer profissionalmente", afirma.
O professor criou o projeto ReLight, que tem o objetivo de aprimorar
utilizando um novo catalisador que tornaria o?? processo mais barato. O projeto est� em fase inicial � come�ou em setembro deste ano � e j� recebeu apoio?? de 700 mil euros da Business Finland. A ideia � que, em dois anos, a startup seja oficialmente aberta e?? comece a comercializar.
utilizutilizandos um nova catalisadora que seria oprocesso mais caro.O projeto ainda tem a participa��o do piauiense Hugo Sousa?? dos Santos, que � p�s-doutorando na Universidade de
mais tranquila. "Tenho uma personalidade um pouco mais reservada, o que fez a?? minha adapta��o ser mais f�cil. Em rela��o ao clima, n�o foi a temperatura, mas a escurid�o nos meses de novembro?? e dezembro, em que os dias ficam mais curtos", afirma.
mais calma."Tenho um personalidade mais tranquila, que � mais calma, e?? isso me fez ser tranquila."
"Mais tranquila", diz ele, a mudan�a de vida foi compensat�ria: "A Finl�ndia tem muitos aspectos
positivos, como?? a efici�ncia, seguran�a e qualidade de vida, que fazem qualquer aspecto negativo ser pequeno demais", afirma o professor, e diz?? n�o ter planos de voltar para o Brasil.
*A jornalista viajou a convite da Business Finland.com.br/*O professor viajou para a entrevista?? exclusiva da PEGN.*
Pa�s busca atrair talentos internacionais que colaborem com a inova��o no pa�s de apenas 5,5 milh�es de habitantes
A?? ci�ncia mostra � e o fundador da Apple
e acad�mico n�o � o tipo mais �til para empreender
e acad�mica n�o s�o?? o tipos mais �teis para empreende
Sediada no Rio Grande do Sul, empresa Sereia Guardi� foi criada por Morganna Mor, em?? 2023
Publica��o mostrando que o �cone do aplicativo aparece derretido em determinada situa��o chamou aten��o nas redes
Modalidade que permitir� pagamentos recorrentes?? a empresas entrar� em vigor em outubro de 2024
O Aurora Fest acontece neste s�bado (9) em Pinheiros, das 11h �s?? 19
Segundo levantamento do Sebrae, feito com base em dados do Caged, mais de 648 mil postos de trabalho criados este?? ano est�o nesse setor
James Anderson � fundador de projeto de caridade que ajuda idosos e pessoas com defici�ncia durante emerg�ncias?? sanit�rias
Tags:mulheres, mulheres, homens, crian�as, idosos, deficientes, trabalhadores, sociedade, trabalho, sa�de, meio ambiente, sustentabilidade, tecnologia, seguran�a p�blica, transportes, transporte, turismo, lazer,?? viagens, mobilidade, tr�nsito,
1996 - 2023. Todos direitos reservados a Editora Globo S/A. Este material n�o pode ser publicado, transmitido por?? broadcast, reescrito ou redistribu�do sem
19961996 � 2023, Todos direito reservados ao material. 19961996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004,?? 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023 e 2023.
1994 - 2023
O Estado de S�vres foi criado por um grupo de socialistas, comunistas e sindicalistas.
No final da d�cada de 1950-1960 a?? comuna cresceu e viu o estabelecimento de uma Escola de Estudos Sociais e Artes (EETS) com um pr�dio pr�prio na?? avenida St Denis.
Em 1960, a ETS tornou-se a "Escola de Economia de S�vres".
A ETS possu�a um programa especial chamado "Desenvolvimento?? em S�vres", com uma estrutura com um curr�culo trimestral, onde o estudante interno e a comunidade se destacaram.Um dos
exemplos not�veis?? desse programa s�o as "Escola do Socialismo", criadas por socialistas, sindicalistas e estudantes de outras localidades da cidade, e as?? "Escola de Engenharia da Vida", criadas por socialistas e comunistas, cujas disciplinas tinham objetivos semelhantes � da ETS, mas com?? mais de vinte programas.
* slot
Bellator mixed martial arts events in 2012
2012 in Bellator MMA Information Promotion Bellator MMA First date aired March 9, 2012?? ( ) Last date aired December 14, 2012 ( 2012-12-14 ) 2011 2013 ?
2012 in Bellator MMA was the sixth?? installment of the Bellator Fighting Championships,[1] which began on March 9, 2012.
[2] The sixth season of Bellator was originally scheduled?? to begin on March 2, 2012.
However, the debut was pushed back a week so it began with the show on?? March 9, 2012.[3]
Mixed martial arts tournaments were held in five weight classes, including the bantamweight,[4] featherweight, lightweight, welterweight and middleweight?? divisions.
Bellator 60 [ edit ]
Bellator 60 Information Date March 9, 2012 Venue The Venue at Horseshoe Casino City Hammond, Indiana
Bellator?? 60 took place on March 9, 2012 at The Venue at Horseshoe Casino in Hammond, Indiana.
[5] The event was distributed?? live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 60 was expected to take place on March 2, but the season opener was?? pushed back one week.[6]
Wagnney Fabiano was originally scheduled to face Ronnie Mann in the opening round of the Featherweight tournament;?? however, on March 1, 2012, Fabiano pulled out of the bout and was replaced by Mike Corey.[7]
Genair da Silva was?? originally scheduled to face Alexandre Bezerra in the opening round of the Featherweight tournament; however, after weigh-in issues, da Silva?? was forced to pull out of the bout.
He was replaced by Kenny Foster who was set to fight Bobby Reardanz?? on the undercard of this event.[8]Results[5][9]
Bellator 61 [ edit ]
Bellator 61 Information Date March 16, 2012 Venue Horseshoe Riverdome City?? Bossier City, Louisiana
Bellator 61 took place on March 16, 2012 at Horseshoe Riverdome in Bossier City, Louisiana.
[10] The event was?? distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
The event was to feature the rematch between season-five heavyweight tournament finalists Eric Prindle?? and Thiago Santos.
Prindle and Santos met in the finals of Bellator's season-five heavyweight tourney, but the bout was ruled a?? no-contest when Santos inexplicably kicked a downed Prindle in the groin.
[11] However, on March 15, Bellator announced the fight had?? been pushed back a week to Bellator 62 due to Prindle having "flu-like symptoms."[12]
This event marked the first time that?? Bellator Fighting Championships aired in Brazil on TV Esporte Interativo.
Bellator 62 [ edit ]
Bellator 62 Information Date March 23, 2012?? Venue Laredo Energy Arena City Laredo, Texas
Bellator 62 took place on March 23, 2012 at Laredo Energy Arena in Laredo,?? Texas.
[14] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
The event hosted the opening round of Bellator's Season Six?? Lightweight Tournament.[14]
Eric Prindle and Thiago Santos were supposed to have their rematch of the Season Five Heavyweight Tournament Final on?? this card, after having been delayed a week from Bellator 61.
Santos, however, failed to make weight and the bout was?? cancelled, and Prindle was awarded the tournament win by default.
A scheduled fight between Cosmo Alexandre and Oscar de la Parra?? was also scrapped.[15]Results[14][16]
Bellator 63 [ edit ]
Bellator 63 Information Date March 30, 2012 Venue Mohegan Sun Arena City Uncasville, Connecticut
Bellator?? 63 took place on March 30, 2012 at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut.
[17] The event was distributed live in?? prime time by MTV2.
The event hosted the opening round of Bellator's Season Six Welterweight Tournament.[17]
War Machine was expected to fight?? Karl Amoussou in the opening round of the welterweight tournament.
However, War Machine was sentenced to a year in prison and?? was forced out of the bout and the tournament.[18]
Brian Foster was scheduled to face David Rickels in the opening round?? of the welterweight tournament, but was not medically cleared for the event.
Stepping in to fight Rickels was newcomer Jordan Smith.[19]Results[17][20]
Bellator?? 64 [ edit ]
Bellator 64 Information Date April 6, 2012 Venue Caesar's Windsor City Windsor, Ontario
Bellator 64 took place on?? April 6, 2012 at Caesar's Windsor in Windsor, Ontario.
[21] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
The event?? hosted two of the opening round bouts of Bellator's Season Six Bantamweight Tournament.
Bellator 65 [ edit ]
Bellator 65 Information Date?? April 13, 2012 Venue Boardwalk Hall City Atlantic City, New Jersey
Bellator 65 took place on April 13, 2012 at Boardwalk?? Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
[23] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
Heavyweight champion Cole Konrad was?? originally slated to defend his title against Eric Prindle at this event.
The fight, however, was moved to Bellator 70.[24]Results[23][25]
Bellator 66?? [ edit ]
Bellator 66 Information Date April 20, 2012 Venue I-X Center City Cleveland, Ohio
Bellator 66 took place on April?? 20, 2012 at I-X Center in Cleveland, Ohio.
[26] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
NAAFS women's champion?? Aisling Daly was originally scheduled to face Jessica Eye on this card.
Daly withdrew from the bout due to an ear?? infection and was replaced by Anita Rodriguez.[27]
Bruno Santos was originally scheduled to face Brian Rogers in a Middleweight tournament semifinal?? bout; however, on April 16, 2012, it was revealed that Santos had to withdraw due to a shoulder injury and?? was replaced by Bellator newcomer Andreas Spang.[28]
Tyler Combs and Jason Dent were originally announced to face each other in a?? lightweight bout.
Nevertheless, the fight did not materialize.
Bellator 67 [ edit ]
Bellator 67 Information Date May 4, 2012 Venue Casino Rama?? City Rama, Ontario
Bellator 67 took place on May 4, 2012 at Casino Rama in Rama, Ontario, Canada.
[31] The event was?? distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator Lightweight champion, Michael Chandler, competed in a non-title "Super Fight" against PRIDE, UFC,?? and DREAM veteran, Akihiro Gono, at this event.[32]Results
Bellator 68 [ edit ]
Bellator 68 Information Date May 11, 2012 Venue Caesars?? Hotel and Casino City Atlantic City, New Jersey
Bellator 68 took place on May 11, 2012 at Caesars Hotel and Casino?? in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
[34][35] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
Kurt Pellegrino was scheduled to fight?? Marcin Held at this event.
[36] However, on March 13, Pellegrino suffered a knee injury and was forced to pull out?? of the bout.
[37] Phillipe Nover had stepped in as Pellegrino's replacement, but was eventually replaced by Bellator newcomer Derrick Kennington.
Eddie?? Fyvie and Jeff Lentz were originally scheduled to compete in a featherweight bout;[34] however, the fight did not materialize.
Marius �aromskis?? versus Waachiim Spiritwolf was originally going to be contested at welterweight; however, Spiritwolf failed to make the 171 pounds cut?? off allowance and the fight was changed to a catchweight bout at 172 pounds.[38]
A catchweight bout at 230 pounds between?? Carmelo Marrero and Seth Petruzelli was cancelled the day of the show due to an illness by Petruzelli.[39]Results
Bellator 69 [?? edit ]
Bellator 69 Information Date May 18, 2012 Venue L'Auberge du Lac Casino Resort City Lake Charles, Louisiana
Bellator 69 took?? place on May 18, 2012 at the L'Auberge du Lac Casino Resort in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
[40][41] The event was distributed?? live in prime time by MTV2.
This event held the finals of the Season Six Middleweight tournament.[42]
Heavyweights Ron Sparks and Kevin?? Asplund were to compete in a tournament eliminator bout for a spot in the Bellator Season Seven Heavyweight tournament.
[42] However,?? the bout was cancelled the day of the show due to Sparks feeling ill.
With Hector Lombard leaving for the Ultimate?? Fighting Championship,[43] the Middleweight title was vacated.
On April 25, 2012, Bellator CEO Bjorn Rebney announced that the winner of the?? Middleweight tournament finale between Maiquel Falc�o and Andreas Spang will face Alexander Shlemenko to crown the company's new Middleweight champion.[44]Results
Bellator?? 70 [ edit ]
Bellator 70 Information Date May 25, 2012 Venue Orleans Convention Center City New Orleans, Louisiana
Bellator 70 took?? place on May 25, 2012 at the Orleans Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.
[24] The event was distributed live in?? prime time by MTV2.
Heavyweight champion Cole Konrad was originally slated to defend his title against Eric Prindle at Bellator 65.
Prindle,?? however, was injured and the fight was moved to this card, Bellator 70.[45]Fight card
Tournaments [ edit ]
Middleweight tournament bracket [?? edit ]
^ 1: Bruno Santos was set to face Brian Rogers in the semifinal round of the middleweight tournament.
However, Santos?? had to withdraw due to a shoulder injury and was replaced by Andreas Spang.
Welterweight tournament bracket [ edit ]
^ 1:?? War Machine was set to appear in the welterweight tournament.
However, War Machine was sentenced to a year in prison and?? was forced out of the tournament.
He was replaced by Chris Lozano.
^ 2: Brian Foster was set to appear in the?? welterweight tournament.
However, Foster was not medically cleared to fight.
He was replaced by Jordan Smith.
Lightweight tournament bracket [ edit ]
Featherweight tournament?? bracket [ edit ]
^ 1: Wagnney Fabiano was expected to appear in the featherweight tournament.
However, Fabiano suffered an undisclosed injury?? and was forced out of the tournament.
Mike Corey filled in as Fabiano's replacement.
^ 2: Genair da Silva was expected to?? appear in the featherweight tournament.
However, after weigh-in issues arose at Bellator 60, da Silva was forced out of the tournament.
Kenny?? Foster, who was slated to fight on the event's undercard, replaced da Silva.
Bantamweight tournament bracket [ edit ]
Bellator 71 [?? edit ]
Bellator 71 was a mixed martial arts event held by Bellator Fighting Championships.
The event took place on June 22,?? 2012 at the Mountaineer Casino, Racetrack and Resort in Chester, West Virginia.
[46] The card was part of Bellator's annual Summer?? Series and featured the opening round fights in the Summer Series Light Heavyweight Tournament.
[citation needed] The event was distributed live?? in prime time by EPIX and online at SpikeTV.com.
A preliminary bout between E.J.
Brooks and Joey Holt was originally announced by?? the promotion.
However, the bout failed to materialize.[46]
Richard Hale was supposed to face Beau Tribolet in the Tournament Quarterfinal, but was?? not cleared to compete so Tim Carpenter (who originally was supposed to face John Hawk) stepped in as a last?? minute replacement.
Bellator 72 [ edit ]
Bellator 72 was a mixed martial arts event held by Bellator Fighting Championships.
The event took?? place on July 20, 2012 at USF Sun Dome in Tampa, Florida.
[47] The card was part of Bellator's annual Summer?? Series and featured the semifinal round fights in the Summer Series Tournament.
[citation needed] The event was distributed live in prime?? time by EPIX and MTV2.
Paul Daley made his promotional debut at this event against Rudy Bears in a welterweight fight.
Marius?? �aromskis and Waachiim Spiritwolf competed in a rematch - their third fight together - following a controversial doctor stoppage in?? their previous Bellator fight in May 2012.
A heavyweight bout between Chris Barnett and Tom Sauer was initially announced by the?? promotion for this card.
[48] However, the bout failed to materialize.
Bellator 73 [ edit ]
Bellator 73 was a mixed martial arts?? event held by Bellator Fighting Championships.
The event took place on August 24, 2012 at Harrah's Tunica Hotel and Casino in?? Tunica, Mississippi.
[49] The card was part of Bellator's annual Summer Series and featured the final round fights in the Summer?? Series Tournament.
[citation needed] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
This fight card was to feature Pat Curran?? making the first defense of his Featherweight title against Bellator season 4 Featherweight tournament winner Patricio Freire.
However, on August 14,?? 2012, it was announced that Curran had suffered an injury and the bout was to be rescheduled for a later?? date.[50]
The card featured the finals of the season 6 Bantamweight tournament and 2012 Summer Series Light Heavyweight tournament.
Marcus "Lelo" Aurelio?? was originally supposed to make his promotional debut on this card, but was removed due to an injury.
His original opponent,?? Amaechi Oselukwue, instead met replacement Kelvin Tiller.
[51] Additionally, a heavyweight bout between Maurice Jackson and Chris Miller was announced, but?? failed to materialize.
Light Heavyweight tournament bracket [ edit ]
^ 1: Tim Carpenter replaced Richard Hale.
Bellator 74 [ edit ]
Bellator 74?? Information Date September 28, 2012 Venue Caesars Atlantic City City Atlantic City, New Jersey
Bellator 74 took place on September 28,?? 2012 at Caesars Atlantic City in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
[citation needed] The event was distributed live in prime time by?? MTV2.
It was the season debut of season seven.
Bellator 74 hosted the opening round in the Bellator Season Seven Welterweight Tournament.[52]
Alexandre?? Bezerra was originally scheduled to face The Ultimate Fighter: Live alumni Jeff Smith.
However, Smith failed his pre-fight medical and was?? replaced by Matt McCook in a 157 lb catchweight fight.
[53] Plinio Cruz and Kelvin Tiller were also originally announced to?? meet in a middleweight fight, but the bout was cancelled after Cruz sustained an injury in training.[53]Results
^ Welterweight Tournament Quarterfinal?? ^ Welterweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Welterweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Welterweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Bellator 75 [ edit ]
Bellator 75 Information Date October?? 5, 2012 Venue Horseshoe Casino City Hammond, Indiana
Bellator 75 took place on October 5, 2012 at The Venue in the?? Horseshoe Casino in Hammond, Indiana.
[citation needed] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 75 hosted the opening?? round in the Bellator Season Seven Heavyweight Tournament.[citation needed]
The event featured the long-planned rematch between season-five heavyweight tournament finalists Eric?? Prindle and Thiago Santos.
Prindle and Santos met in the finals of Bellator's season-five heavyweight tourney, but the bout was ruled?? a no-contest when Santos inexplicably kicked a downed Prindle in the groin.
[54] The initial rematch was scheduled for Bellator 61.
However,?? on March 15, Bellator announced the fight had been pushed back a week to Bellator 62 due to Prindle having?? "flu-like symptoms.
"[12] The following week Santos failed to make weight and the bout was cancelled, and Prindle was awarded the?? tournament win by default.
[55] Incredibly, the fourth scheduled meeting of these two fighters again ended in controversy as this time?? Prindle accidentally kicked Santos in the groin in round one.
^ Heavyweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Heavyweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Heavyweight Tournament?? Quarterfinal ^ Heavyweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Bellator 76 [ edit ]
Bellator 76 Information Date October 12, 2012 Venue Caesars Windsor City Windsor,?? Ontario, Canada
Bellator 76 took place on October 12, 2012 at Caesars Windsor in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
[56] The event was distributed?? live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 76 hosted the opening round in the Bellator Season Seven Featherweight Tournament.
Fight card
^ Featherweight?? Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Featherweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Featherweight Tournament Reserve Bout
Bellator 77?? [ edit ]
Bellator 77 Information Date October 19, 2012 Venue Reading Eagle Theater City Reading, Pennsylvania
Bellator 77 took place on?? October 19, 2012 at the Reading Eagle Theater in the Sovereign Center in Reading, Pennsylvania.
[57] The event was distributed live?? in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 77 hosted the opening round in the Bellator Season Seven Lightweight Tournament.
^ Lightweight Tournament Quarterfinal?? ^ Lightweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Lightweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Lightweight Tournament Quarterfinal ^ Lightweight Tournament Reserve Bout
Bellator 78 [ edit?? ]
Bellator 78 Information Date October 26, 2012 Venue Nutter Center City Dayton, Ohio
Bellator 78 took place on October 26, 2012?? at the Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio.
[58] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 78 hosted the?? semi-finals of Bellator's Season Seven Welterweight Tournament.
^ Welterweight Tournament Semifinal ^ Welterweight Tournament Semifinal ^ Non-title bout
Bellator 79 [ edit?? ]
Bellator 79 Information Date November 2, 2012 Venue Casino Rama City Rama, Ontario
Bellator 79 took place on November 2, 2012?? at Casino Rama in Rama, Ontario.
[59] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 79 hosted the one?? half of the semi-finals of Bellator's Season Seven Heavyweight Tournament and Featherweight Tournament.
Paul Daley was originally scheduled for this event,?? but was taken off the card due to concerns that he would be stopped at Canada border entry due to?? incomplete paperwork needed to secure a visa.[60]Results
^ Heavyweight Tournament Semifinal ^ Featherweight Tournament Semifinal
Bellator 80 [ edit ]
Bellator 80 took?? place on November 9, 2012 at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.
[61] The event was distributed?? live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 80 hosted the second half of the semi-finals of Bellator's Season Seven Heavyweight Tournament?? and Featherweight Tournament.
The featherweight bout between Sky Moiseichik and Shanon Slack was changed to a 150 lb catchweight bout after?? both fighters failed to make weight.[62]Results
^ Featherweight Tournament Semifinal ^ Heavyweight Tournament Semifinal
Bellator 81 [ edit ]
Bellator 81 Information Date?? November 16, 2012 Venue Ryan Center City Kingston, Rhode Island
Bellator 81 took place on November 16, 2012 at the Ryan?? Center in Kingston, Rhode Island.
[63] The event was distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 81 hosted the semi-finals of?? Bellator's Season Seven Lightweight Tournament.[63]Results
^ Lightweight Tournament Semifinal ^ Lightweight Tournament Semifinal
Bellator 82 [ edit ]
Bellator 82 took place on?? November 30, 2012 at the Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort in Mt.Pleasant, Michigan.
[64] The event was distributed live in prime?? time by MTV2.
Bellator 82 hosted the final of Bellator's Season Seven Welterweight Tournament.[64]
British fighter Michael Page was expected to make?? his Bellator debut at this event, but withdrew due to undergoing jaw surgery.[65][66]Results
^ Welterweight Tournament Final ^ [67] 160 lb?? catchweight
Bellator 83 [ edit ]
Bellator 83 Information Date December 7, 2012 Venue Caesars Atlantic City City Atlantic City, New Jersey
Bellator?? 83 took place on December 7, 2012 at the Caesars Atlantic City in Atlantic City, New Jersey[68] The event was?? distributed live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 83 was expected to host the final of Bellator's Season Seven Featherweight Tournament?? between finalists Shahbulat Shamhalaev and Rad Martinez.
[69] However, the night of the show it was announced on the air that?? the bout was cancelled due to Shamhalaev having food poisoning.
The fight was initially moved to the following week's show,[70] but?? then later postponed to season eight.[71]Results
Bellator 84 [ edit ]
Bellator 84 Information Date December 14, 2012 Venue Horseshoe Casino City?? Hammond, Indiana
Bellator 84 took place on December 14, 2012 at the Horseshoe Casino in Hammond, Indiana.
[72] The event was distributed?? live in prime time by MTV2.
Bellator 84 hosted the final of Bellator's Season Seven Heavyweight and Lightweight Tournaments.[69]
Christian M'Pumbu was?? expected to make his first defense of his light heavyweight title against 2012 Summer Series tournament winner Attila Vegh.
[72] However,?? on December 3, 2012, it was announced that Vegh had been pulled from the card due to injury and the?? match postponed for a later date.[73]
Marcin Held and Dave Jansen were scheduled to compete in the Lightweight Tournament Final on?? this card.
However, the match was cancelled because the Indiana Gaming Commission barred the 20-year-old Held from competing as one must?? be 21 to enter a casino.[74]
The fight between Richard Hale and Alexander Volkov was the Heavyweight Tournament Final as well?? as for the vacated Heavyweight Title.[75]Results
Tournaments [ edit ]
Heavyweight tournament bracket [ edit ]
Welterweight tournament bracket [ edit ]
Lightweight tournament?? bracket [ edit ]
Featherweight tournament bracket [ edit ]
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2024/1/10 17:21:41